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Haoran Lin

Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor of HIAM at Shenzhen Polytechnic. Recognized as Oversea High-Caliber Personnel (Level C) in Shenzhen. Haoran received his B.S. from Peking University in 2012, and his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2017, with Prof. He Yan as the supervisor. He then joined Prof. Biwu Ma’s group in Florida State University as a Postdoc fellow for two years. He has published more than 50 papers including 15 first-author or corresponding author papers in top journals such as Adv. Mater., Nature Commun. and Energy Environ. Sci. The total citation approaches 10000. He is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Scientific and Technical Innovation Council of Shenzhen. His research focuses on the design and synthesis of light-emitting organic-inorganic hybrid materials, low-dimensional perovskites and development of optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and solar cells.

Tel: 0755-26019959


Address: 503 Deye Building, Shenzhen Polytechnic, 7098 Liuxian Blvd., Shenzhen, China

Selected Publications

15. Han, Y.; Zhou, C.; Weng, S.; Yu, G.; Lin, F.; Hu, H.; Wang, Y.*; Lin, H.*. Natural Product Additive with Multifunctional groups Enhancing the Efficiency and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 2022, Accepted.

14. Lin F.; Yu, G; Weng, S.; Zhou, C.; Han, Y.; Liu, W.; Zhou, K.; Wang, Y.; Lin, H.*. Blue Photoluminescence Enhancement Achieved by Zero-Dimensional Organic Indium Halides and Metal Ion Doping Strategy. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2QM00866A.

13. Yi, J.; Pan, M.; Chen, L.; Chen, Y.*; Angunawela, I. C.; Luo, S.; Zhang, T.; Zeng, A.; Chen, J.; Qi, Z.; Yu, H.; Liu, W.; Lai, J. Y. L.; Kim, H. K.; Zhu, X.*; Ade, H.*; Lin, H.*; Yan, H.*. A Benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]Difuran Based Donor Polymer Achieving High‐Performance (>17%) Single‐Junction Organic Solar Cells with a Fill Factor of 80.4%. Advanced Energy Materials 2022, 12, 2201850.

        12. Weng, S.; Yu, G.; Zhou, C.; Lin, F.; Han, Y.; Wang, H.; Huang, X.; Liu, X.; Hu, H.; Liu, W.; Wang, Y.; Lin, H.*. Challenges and Opportunities for the Blue Perovskite Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes. Crystals 2022, 12, 929.

11. Yu, G.; Lin, F.; Zhou, K.; Fang, S.; Shi, Y.; Liu, W.; Hu, H.; Ma, B.; Lin, H.*. One-dimensional organic-metal halide with highly efficient warm white-light emission and its moisture-induced structural transformation. Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33, 5668-5674.

10. Yu, H.; Mr, R. J.; Xiao, Y. Q.; Zhang, J. Q.; Lin, T.; Luo, Z. H.; Chen, Y. Z.; Bai, F. J.; Lu, X. H.; Yan, H.; Lin, H.*. Improved organic solar cell efficiency based on regulation of an alkyl chain on chlorinated non-fullerene acceptors. Materials of Chemistry Frontiers, 2020, 4, 2428-2434.

9. Lin, H., Zhou, C., Chaaban, M., Xu, L., Zhou, Y., Neu. J., Worku, M., Berkwits, E., He, Q., Lee, S., Lin X., Siegrist, T., Du, M., Ma, B.*.“Bulk Assembly of Zero-Dimensional Organic Lead Bromide Hybrid with Efficient Blue Emission”ACS Materials Letters,2019,1, 594-598.

8. Lin, H.#, Green, M.#, Chen. X., Ma, B.*.“Microwave Absorption of Organic Metal Halide Nanotubes”ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2019,7, 1901270.

7. Lin, H., Zhou, C., Neu. J.,Zhou, Y., Han, D., Chen, S.,Worku, M., Chaaban, M., Lee, S., Berkwits, E., Siegrist, T., Du, M., Ma, B.*.“Bulk Assembly of Corrugated 1D Metal Halides with Broadband Yellow Emission”Advanced Optical Materials,2019, 1801474.

6. Lin, H., Zhou, C., Tian, Y., Siegrist, T., Ma, B.*. “Low Dimensional Organometal Halide Perovskites”ACS Energy Letters,2018,3, 54−62.

5. Lin, H.,Zhou, C., Tian, Y.,Besara, T., Neu. J., Siegrist, T., Zhou, Y., Bullock, J.,Shanze, K., Ming, W., Du, M., Ma, B.*.“Bulk Assembly of Organic Metal Halide Nanotubes”Chemical Science,2017,8, 8400–8404.

4. Lin, H.#, Chen, S.#, Hu, H., Zhang, L., Ma, T., Lai, J., Li, Z., Qin, A., Huang, X., Tang, B., and Yan, H.*. “Reduced intramolecular twisting improves the performance of 3D molecular acceptors in non-fullerene organic solar cells”Advanced Materials,2016,28, 8546-8551.

3. Lin, H.#, Chen, S.#, Li, Z.#, Lai, J.Y.L., Yang, G., McAfee, T., Jiang, K., Hu, H., Zhao, J., Ma, W., Ade, H., Yan, H.*. “High-Performance Nonfullerene Polymer Solar Cells Based on a Pair of Donor–Acceptor Materials with Complementary Absorption Properties”Advanced Materials,2015, 27, 7299.

2. Li, Z.#, Lin, H.#, Jiang, K., Carpenter, J., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, H., Zhao, J., Ma, W., Ade, H. and Yan, H.*. “Dramatic Performance Enhancement for Large Bandgap Thick-Film Polymer Solar Cells Introduced by a Difluorinated Donor Unit”Nano Energy2015, 15, 607.

1. Zhao, J.#, Li, Y.#, Lin, H.#, Liu, Y., Jiang, K., Mu, C., Ma, T., Lai, J., Hu, H., Yu, D. and Yan, H.*. “High-Efficiency Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells Enabled by a Difluorobenzothiadiazole-Based Donor Polymer Combined with a Properly Matched Small Molecule Acceptor”Energy & Environmental Science2015, 8, 520.